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Mexi Mix


14 kg (30 lbs)


4 years (07/12/2023)





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More about me...

More about me

Meet Lyka, a beautiful Mexi Mix dog with a heart of gold. Despite her incredible qualities, she often gets overlooked simply because she's a black dog. But let's debunk that myth together - a black dog like Lyka offers the same love, loyalty, and companionship as any other.

Lyka's story is one of resilience and love. She came to us 1.5 years ago, pregnant and in need of a safe haven. Her previous owner, a cowboy, was considering getting rid of her because she was expecting. We stepped in, and she gave birth to two precious puppies. While one found a loving home, Lyka and her remaining puppy are still waiting for theirs.

At around 4 years old and weighing approximately 14 kilos, Lyka embodies grace and tranquility. Her demeanor is incredibly calm and chill, making her a joy to be around. She's mastered leash etiquette, a testament to her intelligence from her days as a working dog. Though she's good with other dogs, she often enjoys her own space, preferring serene moments and cuddles.

What sets Lyka apart is her ability to offer the perfect blend of companionship. She's not too small, not too big - just the right size to fit snugly into your heart and home. Her affectionate nature and penchant for snuggles make her an ideal addition to any loving family.

Let's rewrite Lyka's narrative and give her the chance she truly deserves. She's patiently waiting for someone to see the beauty within her ebony fur and cherish her for the amazing dog she is. If you're seeking a devoted companion who radiates calmness and warmth, Lyka might just be the furry friend you've been looking for.

What does it cost to adopt a dog?

The adoption costs are $3,000 MXN for Mexican Nationals, $550 CND Canadian or $400 USD for Temporary or Permanent residents living in Mexico. Adoption costs for dogs adopted in countries other than Mexico are $750 CND or $600 US dollars. Don't forget, wherever you live, to budget for all the other things your new fur-baby will need.

What does the fee include?

This includes vet blood work and check up, including all needed follow-ups, any medications needed to get him healthy, spay or neuter by vet, food and care while at SULA, the vet pre-flight check up and clearance and any needed meds before flying, transport to the airport, all paperwork, all vaccinations, the cost for the airline transport, and use of a kennel in transport, a sweater and harness for arrival, and endless love.


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