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Hi! my name is...


You Tube Video (if available):


Chi Mix


3.1 kg (6.8 lbs)


3.5 years (18/07/2024)





Special Needs?

No - leg deformity

Dog friendly?


Cat friendly?


Good with kids?




More about me...

More about me

Hi Everyone,

My name is Twix and I was found hiding under a car. I was scared, and I did not want anyone to touch me for several days… How can you know somebody’s intentions? ❓🤔After few days passed I allowed gentle hands to lift me up and my journey at Sula Society has begun. Vet discovered what I knew all along – I was born with front leg deformed to the point that I cannot use it. I also have deformity on the one rear leg – but that doesn't stop me from getting around on my own.

I was posted on the Facebook as a lost dog, but nobody claimed me. 🔍🌅Now, I am looking for kind-hearted person to foster me until I can find a forever home. Or maybe there is someone who would like to adopt little boy like me?

Thank you for reading about me.
Love, Twix

What does it cost to adopt me?

The adoption costs are $3,000 MXN for Mexican Nationals, $550 CND Canadian or $400 USD for Temporary or Permanent residents living in Mexico. Adoption costs for dogs adopted in countries other than Mexico are $750 CND or $600 US dollars. Don't forget, wherever you live, to budget for all the other things your new fur-baby will need.

What does the fee include?

First of all, vet blood work and check up, including all needed follow-ups, any medications needed, as well as spay or neuter by our vet. Secondly, food and care while at SULA (we love all our rescues, and pour our hearts out each day to provide best life possible). Further, the vet pre-flight check up and clearance, transport to the airport, all paperwork, all vaccinations, the cost for the airline transport, and use of a kennel in transport, harness and leash for arrival. Lastly, our endless love.


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